Social Services
Children are the future of the nation if we want a strong nation we have to save the rights of the children protection of children rights are necessary to develop the children mentally , physically and politically, for full development as human beings, exercise and enjoyment of Human Rights by all the people is necessary. Human Rights and fundamental freedoms help us to develop our intrinsic qualities, intelligence, talents, and conscience to meet our material and spiritual needs.
It is needless to state that without the Recognition of the right to education, the realization of the right to development of every human being and nation is not possible. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (1948) inter alia states that ‘education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, social or religious groups and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace’. Historically, education is an instrument of development and an important factor for social change. In this view, Human Rights education is / has to be an integral part
Social Services
Children are the future of the nation if we want a strong nation we have to save the rights of the children protection of children rights are necessary to develop the children mentally , physically and politically, for full development as human beings, exercise and enjoyment of Human Rights by all the people is necessary. Human Rights and fundamental freedoms help us to develop our intrinsic qualities, intelligence, talents, and conscience to meet our material and spiritual needs.
It is needless to state that without the Recognition of the right to education, the realization of the right to development of every human being and nation is not possible. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (1948) inter alia states that ‘education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. It shall Promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, social or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the Maintenance of peace’. Historically, education is an instrument of development and an important factor for social change.
In this view, Human Rights education is / has to be an integral part of the right to education. Of late, it is recognized as a Human Right in itself.The knowledge of the rights and freedoms, of oneself as much as of the others, is considered as a fundamental tool to guarantee the respect of all human rights for each and every person.On 10th December 2004, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the World Programmed for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) to advance the implementation of human rights education programmers in all sectors. Building on the foundation laid during the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004), the new initiative reflects the international community’s increasing recognition that human rights education produces far-reaching results, by promoting respect for human dignity and equality and participation in democratic decision-making.
Human Rights Education cannot merely be an intellectual exercise. It acts as a linkage between education in the classroom and developments in a society. Study of Human Rights should be included in the curriculum or syllabus in schools and colleges making it an essential part of the learning process. India has accepted elementary education as one of the basic needs of everyone. The Constitution mandates to provide free education to all children in the age group of 6-14 years. The World Conference on ‘Education for All’ held in Jomtien, Thailand in 1991 pleaded universal primary education in particular on education for girls and women.
The Karnataka Women’s Information and Resource Centre (KWIRC), Bangalore involved various activists, advocates, and key persons associated with the movement for the rights of certain vulnerable sections of the society, for developing reference material for human rights education in universities. The dossiers prepared by the experts with commitment along with the National Human Rights Commission are presented here as reference material for university students.
The main objective of these dossiers is to inspire, motivate, cultivate curiosity, shape the opinion, and enlighten the university students on issues concerning human rights. The focus of these dossiers has been on various movements that have taken place at the grass-root level rather than on individual entities. These have been written in an interactive style, rather than being narrative. The overall content of the dossiers consists of milestones at the national and international levels, critical analysis of the situation, role of various stakeholders and players, action agenda etc. Dissemination of knowledge of human rights must aim at bringing about attitudinal change in human behavior so that human rights for all become the specialty.
Social Welfare Work, Human Rights Protection, Women and Child Rights Protection, Legal Advices To protect the Human Rights of every victim of human rights abuses, our organization calls for guaranteeing the following. Join and participate in human rights NGO, Denounce Human Rights violations publicly; Communicate with national NGOs and intergovernmental organizations; Have recourse to effective means of legal redress.
The principle of equality of men and women and the prohibition of discrimination against women are clearly set out in both International Covenants and Indian Constitution. This basic principle is elaborated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims that” all human beings are born free and equal in dignity, and rights”.